How to manage the challenge of change

How to manage the challenge of change

Changes are everywhere, yet I am still enjoying my writer’s journey.

Great changes require me to pause and think. Ouch! With so many changes I find myself saying I don’t have time to pause. But this girl loves creativity, beauty, writing and the universe. So I am finding the time.

I realise this shift in my life is necessary for me to move forward to a new phase. I like sharing, so here is what I am learning.
When in doubt over the old phrase, “be careful what you wish for or you just might get it,” consider change does and will happen when you least expect it.

Plan the next step to continue with advancement. Receiving is wonderful, always being grateful is important and staying true to your heart is the natural step to follow.

The universe answers when the timing is right. So when you receive, remember how long it took to get to this stage.
Some may find it difficult to accept the change that comes about from the very thing they have been asking for. But with a positive attitude you can overcome this feeling.

Keep peace in your heart and let the universe guide you further. Continue to believe in yourself. You would not have received if you weren’t ready so live to the challenge of change, accept and keep going.

I continue to believe in the universe and I am feeling blessed and grateful. I am at a point of extreme change and I know with spiritual guidance where ever the universe leads me next I will be in the right place.

Now I am going to follow my words and see where I end up.

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One thought on “How to manage the challenge of change”

  1. How true, I have recently met quite a few change resistant people, they are not in a happy place. Focus on the moment, go with the flow and be prepared to make adjustments on life’s journey. Some of these may mean moving over to let others pass by but there will probably be more times when you need to put your foot down and overtake.

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